Locally Developed Resources
Metis Nation of Greater Victoria & Greater Victoria School District’s K-12 Metis Resource Booklet This resource contains numerous resource to support folks who want to learn more about Metis from reputable sources, and/or hear from Metis authors - for all ages, and through all methods - video, podcasts, fiction, & non-fiction. While this resource was initially developed to support Metis content in the SD61 curriculum, this resource is a great place to begin learning about Metis people for absolutely everyone. Metis student researcher Lauren McLean was hired to complete this work.
It’s Time for Two Spirit Reconciliation: A Call for 2SLGBTQQIA+ Metis Equity & Inclusion This Report is based on the findings of Two Worlds, Two Spirits: Gathering the Circle of 2SLGBTQQIA+ Metis in British Columbia, a first of its kind research and community-building project for 2SLGBTQQIA+ Metis community members in this province. The work was led by the Metis Nation of Greater Victoria, and supported by a variety of organizations, including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Fraser Valley Metis Association, Metis Nation British Columbia, and Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak. Metis consultancy, Strategic Hobbs Insight, was contracted to complete this work.
A Primary Care Needs Assessment for the Metis Population of Greater Victoria, BC This report presents a distinctions-based needs assessment, collaboratively developed and delivered with the Metis Nation of Greater Victoria with support from the Victoria Primary Care Network. This needs assessment represents a significant and long-overdue opportunity to gather and understand Metis people’s experiences, values, and needs within the context of primary health care in Greater Victoria, BC. Consultant Monique Auger was contracted to complete this work.